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Doctor Whos Rose Tyler Returns With A Twist

Rose Tyler Returns to Doctor Who as Donna Noble's Transgender Daughter

Doctor Who's Rose Tyler Returns with a Twist

Yasmin Finney, star of Netflix's LGBTQ coming-of-age series Heartstopper, has been cast as Rose, the transgender daughter of former companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate). The casting hints at a subtle foreshadowing of Rose's gender identity in Donna's original exit from the series.

Donna's Exit Hinted at Rose's Gender Identity

Donna's exit in the 2023 special, "The Binary Line," subtly suggested her daughter's trans identity. The special's title and Donna's struggle with her own gender identity hinted at the binary nature of gender and the fluidity of personal expression.

Rose's Debut in "The Star Beast"

Rose will make her debut in "The Star Beast," a special episode that is set to air in 2023 as part of the show's 60th anniversary celebration. The episode will feature the return of fan-favorite characters, including David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna.

Digital Spy

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